The 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge

Are your eating habits out of control or not very healthy? Maybe you’re looking to find ways to shore up or develop good eating habits that will give your body and mind the nutrition they need. One of the easiest places to start is with your snacks! If all your snacks come packaged and pre-made, chances are good they’re hurting your health. Why not take the 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge? You’ll learn new ideas and habits that will stay with you for life while providing yourself with health and vitality – and tasty treats. Who doesn’t love that?

What is the 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge?

For seven days commit to avoiding processed, junk food or sugary snacks in favor of whole and real foods-based snacks. This means passing on chips, cookies, candy, pastries, ice cream and your typical packaged, fast food or grab and go treats. These processed foods will hurt your health and drain you energy – we don’t want that!

All of these foods are not whole or real foods. Typically they are processed or laden with additives, sugar, emulsifiers and unpronounceable chemicals all designed to addict you or to preserve your food or make it visually or texturally appealing so you’ll buy it – at the expense of nutrition and your health. (If you think not much is left to eat, don’t worry. Your taste-buds and belly will be more than delighted by the suggestions later in this article.)

Often we snack for a variety of reasons – we want an energy boost between meals or because we skipped meals, are bored, or as emotional therapy. Why do you snack? Understanding your habits will help with the challenge.

You want to eat snacks that give your body the nutrition it needs to repair, maintain and operate with optimum performance which will mean more energy, clarity and drive. Good snacks give you energy and sate your appetite. You get this by eating meals made from whole and real foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, tubers, nuts and seeds.

For seven days we want to

  1. Avoid the foods that make us sick or contribute to disease
  2. While eating the foods that build, repair, and maintain our body with energy and vitality, i.e. whole foods.

This is the real definition of eating healthy.

food biscuits snack sliced
Photo by Pixabay on

Why Focus on Snacks?

In a culture where lots of people skip breakfast, eat tons of processed foods and snack between meals and before bed, we could use a high dose of nutrition in our day! Snacks are a great place to start in reclaiming our faltering health. It’s also an easy meal to get in doses of fruit, whole grains, nuts and seeds, healthy protein and even some veggies.

Currently, the standard American diet is roughly 62% processed foods, 26% meat, and only 12% good, body and mind nourishing foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, tubers and legumes. As reported in Newsweek, over 50% of the American diet consists of ultra-processed foods that can be bought at 7-Eleven. 42% of our calories come from low quality carbohydrates (1). This way of eating is horribly unhealthy and we see its consequences in high rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, stroke, autoimmune disorders, and chronic kidney disease, among others.

We are actively destroying our health with the foods we eat – whether bombarding it with foods and drinks that harm our bodies or by not giving our bodies the nutrition we need to repair and maintain ourselves in optimum health. Our unbalanced food choices also have dire consequences for our beneficial bacteria which do so much for our gut and digestive health but which also work hand in hand with our immune health. When we wreck our beneficial bacteria colonies, we set ourselves up for a dysfunctional immune system and autoimmune issues.

Processed foods, high in salt and sugar, are destroying our beneficial bacteria. After all, salt and sugar are preservatives – which prevent spoilage of food by killing bacteria. When we ingest salt and sugar in the large amounts we currently consume today, they kill off our good bacteria as the preservatives travel through our digestive tracts. Additionally, we’re eating more processed foods at the expense of healthier foods that would feed and support our gut biome.

On top of this, eating processed foods (which we do in great quantities as snacks) deprives us of vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, antioxidants and so much more that build and repair our bodies and keep them and our minds working in good condition. Processed foods and diets high in sugar and refined carbs also are linked to diabetes, metabolic disorders, cancer, autoimmune problems and other diseases afflicting modern society.

Pivoting our eating habits away from processed foods and to whole foods can only help reverse our terrible modern disease trends. If the standard American diet is your diet, definitely do the 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge!

In reclaiming our health and waistlines, the place to start is with diet. That means a two-pronged attack of cutting down our over-consumption of processed foods which actively destroy our health while at the same time consuming mostly whole foods which will build, maintain and repair our bodies in maximum health.

healthy red lifestyle fruit
Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. on

What are Whole foods?

Whole foods are plant foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible, and are free from additives or other artificial substances like preservatives, emulsifiers, conditioners and artificial or natural flavors before being consumed.

Examples of whole foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes and pulses, nuts, seeds, tubers, and whole grains. Everything else is not a whole food. See my article What are Whole Foods? to get a good understanding of whole foods. For the carnivores out there, I would add that fresh meat in the butcher and seafood sections of grocery stores can supplement a whole foods diet even though they are obviously not plant-based. Same with eggs and milk. The healthiest and most long-lived cultures in the world eat this sort of diet.

Why Whole Foods?

The benefits of whole foods are amazing:

  • Cancer prevention
  • Beating heart disease
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Preventing and reversing diabetes
  • Prevention of gallstones, kidney stones and osteoporosis
  • Asthma prevention
  • Better digestion
  • Autoimmune disorder prevention
  • Most sustainable diet for the planet
bread with soup
Photo by Marvin Ozz on

In the Kitchen for the 7 Day Challenge

During the 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge, you’ll want avoid processed foods and instead eat whole food based snacks each day at that time.

While the 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge does not require dropping the standard American diet or greatly changing your current way of eating, adopting a mostly whole foods diet during the challenge will reap greater health rewards. If you choose to try more whole foods during the challenge, avoid added sugars and processed foods. Focusing on whole foods should be the center of every meal, making up at least 70% of everything that goes into your mouth.

This will mean passing on processed foods – full of refined carbs, added sugar, salt, processed oils, and additives – which include most boxed meals and kits, frozen meals, heat and serve meals, and fast food. Try to limit your pasta and bread consumption as these are both processed foods. I realize that might be biting off more than you can chew for most people. However, making whole foods the stars of any meal and giving things like pasta or bread a limited supporting role will really help your health.

Why 7 Days?

One week isn’t a large commitment and is easy to plan. Plus you won’t feel overwhelmed by learning a ton of new recipes or feel like you’re completely giving up your eating lifestyle for good – though, hey, if you like the changes and the benefits, please continue!

Seven days are good for dipping your toes into a life of eating more healthily or starting down a whole foods diet. You will learn new recipes and eating patterns which can help you transition to eating healthier overall. And besides, who doesn’t enjoy a new challenge to get excited about?

Prepping Mentally

Whenever we try something new or try to change habits, we should remind ourselves of a few things:

Firstly, we’ve been doing things a certain way for a while. When it comes to food, we’ve trained our bodies and minds to like what we’re already doing. When we try new foods, we may go into withdrawal from the removal of our usual foods. That and our gut biomes have adapted to our old eating habits and will undergo a shift when our foods change. Most people don’t realize this and think their body is reacting negatively to the new foods when really, it’s mostly withdrawal symptoms. If you’ve ever tried to give up coffee or colas for a week, you know what I’m taking about! The same is definitely true for sugar or refined carbs. Use this week to learn how addicted your body is to your current way of eating. You might find it eye-opening.

Secondly, we are creatures of habit. Don’t expect to like or love all the food recipes. If you’ve never tried something before, try it with an open mind. Think of this week as a way to experience new foods or find new recipes to incorporate into your meal rotation. See it as a fun exercise, not a drag, and you’ll have better results.

Thirdly, when we take on a food challenge, the experience is usually new. The recipes will take longer to organize and prep simply because you haven’t spent years making them. In time the ingredients and recipes become second nature and you can modify them as easily as your current meal rotations. Expect the learning curve rather than be upset by it. Most of the recipes included for the challenge are quick and easy for beginners.

Fourthly, food is culture. If your family and friends have never seen a whole food they didn’t hate, you may feel peer pressure over your new food selections or feel tempted to cheat and eat like normal. Remember that this is only a week-long challenge. If others tell you to cheat or give you grief, you can point out gently:

  • Your health issues if you have any
  • Any health issues in your family
  • That you are trying to alleviate or prevent any health issues
  • And that you could really use support since this isn’t easy

Many people if approached this way will be more considerate and helpful, especially if you tell them you don’t expect them to eat like you (some immediate family members will fear any food changes). Accept this and remember that you are the only person who can truly make the changes you want. Respect and love yourself enough to try what you’re wanting to do, no matter what others think.

All this said, we’re human and we get cravings. Don’t beat yourself up if you lapse during the challenge, just continue on with the next meal and be proud for what you do follow. Also, try not to make the challenge impossible by scheduling it around holidays. Only the most willful and possibly masochistic can survive holidays and their associated foods. On the flip side, if you’re trying to give up the excesses of the holidays, by all means, use this challenge as an excuse!

Now onto the nuts and bolts.

berries cake delicious dessert
Photo by Skitterphoto on

How It Works

The 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge is pretty straight-forward. You’ll be eating healthy snacks focused around real, whole ingredients for a week. To do that:

  • Pick a week to do the 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge.
  • Make room in your pantry and in your mental space for the change.
  • Plan out and organize your meals for the week for best results. Design them with your family or friends for added support and team-building if they’re willing.
  • Make your grocery list.
  • Buy the food.
  • Prepare the meals yourself or for best results, with your family. Healthy food habits are teachable moments, as is food preparation. Children can’t learn healthy food habits if not exposed to them or taught the recipes. Cooking together means time together. Make cooking social.
  • Eat and enjoy – the more the merrier!

7 Day Healthy Snack Suggestions

It’s easiest to enjoy the challenge and keep with it if you include healthy meals you already like. Love your homemade hummus and veggie dippers? Bust them out this week!

We tend to eat the same handful of snacks so don’t feel like every single meal for the week must be new and original. That gets expensive and stressful fast because you have to buy a larger variety of food and learn too many new recipes you may not be at all familiar with. Also, why waste any leftovers?

Check out the recommended week-long plan and more general pantry list so you can take the challenge and run with it. Feel free to mix and match however you like to make this challenge your own!

Now onto the week’s meal plan!

Healthy Snack Ideas

You may think not much is left that sounds appealing to eat once you take out candies, chips, pastries and the processed snacks we buy in the snack aisle but you would be wrong! Plenty of delicious and satisfying snacks exist for every pallet. Here are some wonderful snack ideas, many of which are vegetarian or vegan:

  • Fruit
  • Fruit and cheese
  • Whole grain crackers with cheese
  • Olives and fruit
  • Nuts & seeds (stay away from salted)
  • Hummus with veggie dippers or whole grain crackers/pita
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Dates & pecans
  • Tomato slices with mozzerella or cucumber

Healthier than typical snacks

  • Deli-fresh salsa with corn tortilla chips
  • Guacamole with tortilla chips
  • Peanut butter/nut butter and whole grain crackers
  • Dark chocolate bites
  • Granola mix

Not only are these delicious and healthy snacks, they’re chock full of energy so you won’t experience a food coma or that 3pm sugar crash from typical carb-loaded or sugar-heavy snacks.

Seven Day Healthy Snack Plan

Need a menu for the week? Check out the following suggested snack plan. Mix and match or repeat the snacks you like. All of them are simple to make and easy to take to work. We usually snack at the same times – in the morning, mid-afternoon, and after dinner.

Day 1: Morning – handful of nuts; afternoon or evening: deli-fresh salsa with tortilla chips or whole grain crackers

Day 2: Morning – handful of seeds; afternoon or evening: grapes and cheese

Day 3: Morning – fruit medley; afternoon or evening: Olives and cheese

Day 4: Dessert: banana and peanut butter smoothie with a teaspoon of cocoa powder; optional – any nut butter like almond butter or tahini

Day 5: Morning – nut butter and whole grain crackers; afternoon or evening: guacamole with tortilla chips or toasted pita

Day 6: Morning – granola mix; afternoon or evening: sliced tomato with mozzarella

Day 7: Morning – pecan-stuffed dates; afternoon or evening: hummus with veggie dippers

If none of these ideas tickle your fancy, feel free to find ones that do! So many recipe resources exist on the internet that you’re bound to find more than you could ever hope to make. One of my favorite sources is

Pantry List

In order to eat a whole foods diet, it’s helpful to know how to stock your pantry. This is a general list, so don’t think this is your shopping list for the healthy snack challenge. While a few items on this list are not whole foods, the vast majority are and these ingredients can make up a fantastic pantry for eating healthy and deliciously:

Nuts and seeds – walnuts, pecans, cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin kernals etc.

Nut and seed butters like peanut butter, almond butter and tahini



Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries




Olive, sesame or coconut oil

White or apple vinegar

Balsamic vinegar

White cooking wine

Tilapia or cod fillets

Salmon fillets

Canned or fresh tuna, anchovies, mussels, oysters, clams

Canned or dried white beans, chick peas, lentils, black beans

Fresh cuts of meats (be careful as even ground pork or ground turkey often now includes natural flavors – check the ingredients)


Fresh or canned diced tomatoes


Yellow squash, zucchini, butternut squash, acorn squash, etc.

Red onions


Spinach, kale, greens

Coconut milk

Nut milks – almond, walnut, cashew milk

Oat or soy milk

Rice, barley, buckwheat, oats, kasha


Time Savers

While fresh and from scratch is best, let’s face it, not everyone has the time or willingness. Here are time savers and substitutions:

  • Instant oatmeal and cream of wheat
  • Canned beans and vegetables: drain and rinse them though
  • Frozen vegetables and fruit
  • Frozen fish fillets
  • Canned diced tomatoes
  • Deli fresh guacamole, salsa and hummus

A Week of Healthy Eating

And there you have it – everything you need to know to take the 7 Day Healthy Snack Challenge! Hopefully you will enjoy the foods and the benefits they quickly bring in terms of better health, energy levels, mental clarity, sleep and digestion, and a range of others. If you enjoy these foods and their benefits, why not permanently include these and other deliciously healthy meals in your routine?

Good luck with the challenge and happy eating!

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  1. This is a great challenge idea. I like the fact that it enables you to improve progressively your diet.
    With my family, we are also working on our diet too and have already increased a lot the amount of fruit and vegetables we are eating. It is however still a bit difficult with the children as they are not eating everything.


    • That is so awesome! I’m glad you like the challenge. Kids can certainly be picky!!! But even they like real food – it’s just finding which ones 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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